Red Dead Redemption 2 Survivalist Challenge 7 Easy Method. No matter how you play the game, this little fish needs to be caught. Mount the Horse. Then run. I give it 2 days before I find a better deal on it. You will need to find at least 20 different plants for 100% completion as well as gather some specific ones for the herbalist challenges. Literally at all times of the day. When a fish is caught, the player may cook a fish (to restore health, stamina, or. $5, Dead Eye EXP. 00: Perfect Elk Pelt: Elk Riding Gloves: $12. This page takes you through how to Catch One of Each Type of Fish in the World For the ninth Survivalist challenge in Red Dead Redemption 2. You should start working on them early in. You’ll have to engage with every system and. To get level 10 you must complete all challenges (90). 1. - Kill 6 animals without switching or reloading your weapon. It is played from either a third or first-person perspectiv. LoneWolfofRivia. Here's a screenshot of the fish checklist I made for survivalist 10, in case you don't have one drive, I couldn't figure out how to make it a printable pdf. Simply doing the challenges is a good way to earn Scrap 3 of the Savvy Merchant DLC outfit. Bluegill fish are a freshwater fish and they can be found in most lakes and rivers in Red Dead Redemption 2. 150 Dead Eye XP $20. With Red Dead Redemption 2’s health, stamina, and dead eye cores, you have some basic survival stats to help you survive. Win Five Hands of. West Elizabeth is home to a greater Horned Owl population. Red Dead Redemption 2 Survivalist Challenges guide;. Remove legacy AMD graphics card detailsSystems with current (or previously installed) AMD graphic cards should download. Survivalist Challenge – Rank 7: Survivalist Gun Belt: $24. You should have completed the A Fisher of Men quest to have access to fishing. 00 Rank 3: Kill 5 animals with a varmint rifle. Complete Stranger Missions. Rank 3: Kill five flying birds while on a moving train. Reward: Weapons Expert Holster This rank can be easily achieved during normal gameplay as multiple missions require the player to use stealth kills to advance. I have six owl feathers and the recipe but no tomahawk. Once I had killed all 5, i was off to the cave at Elysian pool for #7. EASIEST way to complete Survivalist Challenge 7! (Kill Eight Small Game With Consecutive Shots, Using Small Game Arrows) Video Locked post. A basic tomahawk with a lightweight wooden shaft and thin blade. 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 Sharpshooter 7 Easiest way to get 7 Headshots in a row. Its reward is 150 Health XP and $20. Survivalist 9 - Catch a fish that weighs at least 19lb. ago. This page takes you through how to Kill Eight Small Game Animals With Consecutive Shots, Using Small Game Arrows For the sixth Survivalist challenge in. However, there are some stipulations. Missions & Events Finish the Main Campaign. It must be your main knife, not a throwing knife. The Challenges allow players to become much better at the related. e: Stuffs You can Try. The corpse can be of either another animal or a human. The Commando has the following perk bonuses at maximum level: 15% weapon damage (0. Beat the Blackjack dealer in 2 locations (Rhodes, Van Horn) $15, 100 Dead Eye XP. FreeCam. Bonjour et bienvenue ici ! Vous voici sur ma chaîne, vous y trouverez des jeux vidéos, quelques unboxings et du bazars rigolos, mais surtout, surtout : du fail :p Les abonnés les plus assidus. moonscar119. This includes. Bullhead Catfish is a small, bottom-feeding fish found in the swamp waters of Lemoyne, the Bullhead Catfish is strongly attracted to corn and may also be tempted by cheese and bread. Equip them, and use the. Much like hunting, it plays a prominent role in the game, where players can catch and hunt various species of fish for survival, sport and money. This page contains a guide to all Herbalist Challenges in. The four berry species in Read Dead Redemption 2, with some approximate locations, are listed below. . Go to the islands near camp in Chapter 3. Outside of being able to sell animal pelts and goods, players can purchase select outfits and equipment upgrades from. The Legendary Largemouth Bass is one of 13 Legendary Fish that can be caught in Red Dead Redemption 2. 19lb+ muskies are possible, look along the coast. – 1x Stringy Meat – 1x Wintergreen, Evergreen, Huckleberry, Raspberry or Blackberry. There are five different fish in. Whether you’re looking to sell it in the main campaign, or just looking to get your hands. This strong and fast projectile weapon is ideal for quick thrown attacks, or it can be used as a close-range melee weapon against enemies. Survivalist Challenge 7 requires 8 consecutive kills using small game arrows , all of each need to be one shot kills. Reward: 100 extra stamina points and $15. Arthur Morgan needs to find food to survive, to feed the Van der Linde gang, and to top off his Health, Stamina, and Dead. From there kill it. Red Sage is a plant in Red Dead Redemption and a plant that can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2. . Nothing. use a pump shotgun. Been playing goddamn dominoes for two days now to get that 3 game streak, but every time I win 2, there is some round in the 3d game where one of the opponents gets like 50 or even 70 points in one round and it's all back to square one. Players have the option to focus on a specific role to advance quickly and unlock. There are ten Survivalist challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2. updated Mar 21, 2021 This page contains a guide to all Survivalist Challenges in Red Dead 2, including how to complete each challenge, locations of important animals and items,. 6. I've been fishing at the lighthouse in Van Horn and. Second playthrough, not going into this blind like last time and being left guessing what's left. Do this somewhere animals tend to be nearby. $21. The. Gamers can ride into any village and open fire on any NPCs that are nearby. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Survivalist Challenge Walkthrough \ Guide - Survivalist 4: Craft a Dynamite, Fire, Improved, Poison, and Small Game ArrowRed Dead Red. Not difficult just tedious, I did it while knocking out Survivalist & Explorer challenges. The guide contains minor spoilers (the locations of some collectibles, bandit hideouts, mission. Red Dead Redemption 2 gives players plenty of freedom in completing content in any order, but this isn't true for Challenges. . There are a total of 425 Awards across 12 Categories, and each award challenge has different tiers to progress through. It is the third entry in the Red Dead series and a. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Survivalist Challenge Walkthrough \ Guide - Survivalist 5: Catch a fish while boating in the Bayou and while standing on railroad tra. This guide will let you know how to complete all of them. Pretty simple deadeye a flock of bird when you notice them flying overhead. And the rumbling signaling the coming of Total War was. If you haven't finished catching all the legendary fish yet, this challenge is fairly easy and you can just hunt one of the larger legendary fish. The Red Dead Online Naturalist role allows players to take up a new life as a protector of the Old West’s wildlife. Rank 1: Collect 6 Wild Feverfew. Guide on how to complete all 10 Sharpshooter Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Redemption 2 Side Missions Walkthrough Playlist:Dead Redemption 2 - Horseman Challenge Walkthrough Guide - Horseman 6: Ride From Strawberry to Saint Denis in Less Than Nine Minutes Without Touching A. Once you do, you can find it in the woods south of Bolger Glade, west of Shady Belle. Had some luck with birds but then some birds don't seem to count as small game so it resets. To obtain it, you will first need to finish the stranger mission A Bright Bouncing Boy - II. Rank 4:. You can get recipes and. If you’re looking to catch Steelhead Trout, then you’ll find them available in most wide river areas, so long as you’re using the right Lure and Bait. Northwest of the town along the state line. Herbalist Challenges, Plant Locations, Maps, and Tips. There are 15 species of fish in Red Dead Redemption 2, not including any of the Legendary Fish and you need to catch one of each for the tenth survivalist ch. 813 Online. Also, their eyes glow in the dark when youre looking at them with binoculars. There are around 200 Species of Animals players can find and hunt within the game. Herbalist, master hunter and weapon expert challenges are for health. Survivalist Gun Belt Rank 2: Hand 5 animals into camp or trapper. I did the train tracks, but it wouldn't count fishing from a boat when I was in a canoe in the bayou. However, you can make things a bit more challenging with Basic Needs that expand upon these existing stats. It should take. . Rant. Running back and forth between the bear spawn point and the trapper. Herbalist 3. We don't reveal any of the discoveries you will make or give away any story details. sgRNAs enriched during H5N1 selection were identified using the MAGeCK program (p < 0. These challenges must be done in order, progress made before they are activated does not count. So I started riding towards the nearest legendary fish and caught one, it weighed around 8 kgs if I remember correctly, so I checked the objectives section and saw that the bar was filled more than halfway, so I thought just one more. Once the player has enough goods, they can then embark. There are four species of berries in Red Dead Redemption 2: Blackberries, Evergreen Huckleberries, Raspberries and Wintergreen Berries. This page takes you through how to Catch One of Each Type of Fish in the World For the ninth Survivalist challenge in Red Dead Redemption 2. You first have to get the meat from Markhor Island, chicken from Coppenhead Landing, and rabbit near Caliban’s Seat. No bear. Players trying to complete Survivalist 10 in the story mode will also need to catch a Chain Pickerel. As an activity, fishing is involved in some of the Survivalist and later Herbalist Challenges. This survival guide is largely spoiler free. First things first, head to Gill Landing. ago Can confirm this works. per page. November 22, 2019 3:30 PM. How to Kill Five Animals Using the Varmint Rifle For Survivalist Challenge 3. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Survivalist Challenge Walkthrough \ Guide - Survivalist 10: Catch one of each type of fish throughout the worldRed Dead Redemption 2. 6% per level) 25% global damage resistance (1% per level) 25% heavy body armour (1% per level) 75% ZED time reload (3% per level) Faster weapon switch. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Survivalist Challenge Walkthrough Guide - Survivalist 7: Kill 8 small game animals with consecutive shots, using Small Game ArrowsR. There is a hidden cave behind the waterfall at Elysian Pool. Survivalist Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2 Challenge One The first challenge in this series is a fairly easy one as the player only has to catch three bluegill. org The Red Dead Redemption 2 Survivalist Challenges will test your mettle for living out in the wilderness, and see just how hardy you really are when you need to fend for yourself. You catch it independently or as part of the Stranger quest A Fisher. Kill and Skin Five Cougars With Your Bow. . So the solution is give the 15 Lady Slipper Orhids (and 15 bird plumes) to the guy, then go and pick up ONE Lady Slipper Orhid. Germinal center (GC) development is a sequential and complex process and is tightly controlled by the Bcl6 transcriptional repressor. They include: Upgraded Bandolier - $69. $12. $27. The bandit challenges are designed to test Morgan’s criminal pursuits. Red Dead Redemption 2 Channel Catfish can be fished using a bait or lure, which you can purchase from the Bait and Tackle shop. I'm working on my Survivalist but a can't get a tomahawk to make my homing tomahawk. . Kill Three Enemies with a Knife. During the same story mission, Paying a Social Call, you’ll receive a set of throwing knives. Steelhead Trout. Furthermore, this type of fungi can be used as Herbivore Bait or consumed by the player. Developed by Rockstar Games, of Grand Theft Auto fame, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a sequel to a western-themed open-world game of the same name first released back in 2010. There’s a number of great reasons as to why Arthur should stop at a Trapper. Survivalist 9. RDO Guides & Features. Obviously you will have to be far enough into the game to have access to all these weapons. ago For anyone looking at this in the future, it's the dock on the north side of the river. The guide contains minor spoilers (the locations of some collectibles, bandit hideouts, mission names, etc. For those who are stuck on this/wanting a tip to find a place to do this. 2. Anything you’ve caught prior to unlocking the challenge doesn’t count. $9. Hey guys, I'm stuck on survivalist 9. $10, 50 Dead Eye XP. ContentsSurvivalist 1Survivalist 2Survivalist 3 Survivalist 4 Survivalist 5 Survivalist 6 Survivalist 7Survivalist 8Survivalist 9 Survivalist 10 Survivalist 1 Catch 3 Bluegill Fish: You can find Bluegills almost everywhere, but the. Acuna’s Star Orchid Chanterelles Cigar Orchid Clamshell Orchid Common Bullrush Creeping Thyme Evergreen Huckleberry Ghost Orchid Lady Of The Night Orchid Milkweed Night Scented Orchid Oleander Sag. Rank 7: Skin 5 elk and 5 bighorn sheep. RDR2 Gambler Challenges Guide. Pick five mushrooms and feed them. Mutations in the corresponding PRPH2 gene cause different types of retinal dystrophies characterized by a loss of photoreceptors. After that, #8 was really fast, because I already had all the materials. Open your satchel and choose the Treasure Map item from. Details for this mission are included in the Missions and Events section of the guide. Survivalist 27: Death Watch. now find that the Bcl6 RD2 domain is essential for the. You can use either the swamp lure or the special swamp lure. Red Dead Redemption 2 – Herbalist Challenge Part 9 Checklist LEMOYNE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. Regular Weight - 14. By: Matt Gibbs Updated: January 9, 2023. Golden Currant (Ribes aureum) is a vendible good found in Red Dead Redemption. If you need a cheap reliable trash-clearer, then this could satisfy that need. Your best bet is to combine it with the challenges. RDR2 - Completing the Survivalist 5 Challenge in Red Dead Redemption 2. Survivalist 8. Finding fish to. 7. This Challenge can be started at any time after Challenge #3, since you can find the Dynamite Arrow Pamphlet near a destroyed. ”. The Bullhead Catfish is a species of fish found in Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 has 43 different plants which you can collect. I also repeated the stories "The first shall be the last", "Paying a Social Call" and "Americans at Rest". There were various possible causes: global economic collapse, some uncontrollable pestilence, a world famine—or nuclear war. Challenges. Reward: New bandolier. . "View the map and try to locate the treasure somewhere in New Austin. . Another way to get birds of prey to appear is similar to Survivalist Challenge #6. Reward: 150 additional strength points and $20. Red Dead Redemption 2Guide on how to complete all 10 Survivalist Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Redemption 2 Side Missions Walkthrough Playlist:Herbalist 2. Within the game, you’ll find a total. Things start to get more complicated with the third Herbalist challenge, as you need to craft seven different items by using any of the sage types in the game. Red Dead Redemption 2on how to complete all 10 Survivalist Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Redemption 2 Side Missions Walkthrough Playlist:2. It just says "challenge locked" and I can't even select it. varmint rifle and deadeye. Ram's Head is a fungus that can be found and sold in Red Dead Redemption 2. If the animal you're huntings is uphill from you, you're minimizing your chance to get a clean kill. Requirements: Create all possible kinds of dynamites and throwing weapons. The challenge says I’ve caught 14/15. You catch it independently or as part of the Stranger quest A. Boards. 25. Before you fire any shots make sure your clip is full so you don't accidentally reload. Then start Legendary Fish Now, take some well-deserved time off and just go fishing!Herbalist Challenge #4 - Craft 9 items Using Indian Tobacco. Essentially, this is a hippy’s dream, but with Peacemakers, you just go. Survivalist 6: Kill an animal scavenging a corpse 5 times. Survivalist Challenges. I tried buying it from a fences and trappers and I have completed the story 100%. 05 lbs (minus water,) including two empty 700 ml Smartwater. The Owl can actually be on the barn, but. Walkthrough. Indian Tobacco is a very common herb found all across Red Dead Redemption 2's map. 00: Perfect Deer Pelt: Elk Flop Hat: $12. . Survivalist 9 The Fastest Way Arthur With Biscuit Wearing The Legendary Cougar And Wolf Vest Arthur With John , Micah , Otis Miller's And Free Double Action. 00: Perfect Elk Pelt: Elk Fringed Shotgun Chaps: $21. You can complete these at any time, none of them are missable. . Horseman - Kill a rabbit on horseback. Fishing. Rank 5: Kill six animals without switching or reloading your weapon. It's even more frustrating because it's just about getting lucky. Now I want to share that adventure with YOU! self. size needs to be killed with either a bow, varmint rifle, rifle, repeater (yes these are different then rifle) or scoped rifle (sniper). Rank 6: Skin 5 raccoons, 5 skunks, and 5 foxes. The most efficient lure when fishing him is corn. By Angie Harvey , Casey DeFreitas , Max Roberts , +1. Head shots with small game arrows don't seem to kill things in one shot. The solution is pretty simple: Shoot fish in shallow water. Survivalist 8. 75: Survivalist Challenge – Rank 10:. Edited to add: I just kept a list as I caught fish to keep track of what I still needed. ago. we'll go to how to play the survivlist ingame, we first have to know how the survivalist has been build up. . 9 Odds and Ends to Do advertisement. Steelhead Trout. The catfish will be in the green muck. Make sure you're facing the animal's side, not their behind or even. The corpse here can be human or animal, and you basically just need to kill something and wait around nearby while the corpse starts to rot. Welcome to our Red Dead Redemption 2 Animals Hunting Guide for PS4, XBOX1, and PC. ; Dakota River. I read that after you max out health, stamina and dead eye at level 8, you can upgrade it to level 9 by completing a set of challenge (10), equip all the weapon equipment of the corresponding set. advertisement. Rank 10: Catch one of each type of fish throughout the world. $12. Fishing time!00:00 Railroad track fishing spot01:10 Boat (common spawn)01:49 Boat fishing sp. It is a direct upgrade to the MP5 and. Click here for the full 100% completion strategy guide: Catfish. This guide details how to complete all 90 challenges of the Story Mode of Red Dead Redemption 2. We hope that you like survival mechanics, because it sounds like Red Dead Redemption 2 is full of them. - Steal a boat across from the train tracks where my horse is located (Coppe. Rank 6: Kill 5 cougars with your bow, then skin them. West Elizabeth’s Tall Trees region seems to be the Horned Owl’s favorite hunting grounds. Rank 9: Hogtie someone and leave them on the railroad 3 times. This page contains a guide to all Survivalist Challenges in Red Dead 2, including how to complete each challenge, locations of important animals and items, maps, and much. There are a total of nine different challenge trees in Red Dead Redemption 2, with 10 challenges in each tree, for 90. Complete the dry dash from Van Horn to Blackwater in under 17 minutes. How to Kill Eight Small Game Animals With Consecutive Shots, Using Small Game Arrows For Survivalist Challenge 7. As promised this is the condensed version on how to catch all 15 species of fish in Red Dead Redemption II. Rank 4: Collect 8 Prickly Pear. Red Dead Redemption 2. One early-game location where they can be found is the fence at Emerald Ranch. You may be able to see fish through the water or at. You don't have to use the rod. Sharpshooter Holster. You can cook it into a Flaky Fish meal or Mail them to Jeremy Gill for rewards. Killing Floor 2 Survivalist Perks Build. Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 has 90 Challenges. The hardest part is finding three people wearing hats that you can pick off at the same. 4 Fight Club. Smallmouth Bass. Jun 6, 2018 @ 4:37am Originally posted by Pur. Reward: 25 Stamina XP and $5 Rank 3 [] Kill five animals using a Varmint Rifle. The RDR2 Channel Catfish is. Catch one bluegill fish to unlock the first challenge. 7k more updated Dec 5, 2018This page takes you through Hand Five Animals in to Pearson at Camp or to the Trapper For the second Survivalist challenge in Red Dead RedemptionAfter that I picked up all plants and Orchids with John (and got 15 Lady Slipper Orchids) for the exotic mission buut I found out it is not counted towards the challenge until you completing the first exotic mission. Rank 2: Kill and skin five deer. 22: Fixed sleeping restores cores (even if it's set not to)-----This is a compilation of some of my previously released mods as well as some I've only made for myself and haven't released before. Click here for the full 100% completion strategy guide: Channel Catfish. Buy Red Dead Redemption 2 PC key and engage in another Rockstar-provided gaming experience of an epic scale that is definitive for the contemporary decade of the gaming. 10 Violet Snowdrops are needed to complete the Survivalist Challenge Rank 10. Author. Red Dead Redemption 2 Challenges. I also repeated the stories "The first shall be the last", "Paying a Social Call" and "Americans at Rest". 5. So the solution is give the 15 Lady Slipper Orhids (and 15 bird plumes) to the guy, then go and pick up ONE Lady Slipper Orhid. 00 - Perfect Elk Pelt. Players looking to earn cash in Red Dead Online can unlock the Trader role at their Camp by buying the Butcher's Table for 15 gold bars from the Wilderness Outfitter run by Cripps. The Survivalist challenges in Red Dead 2 are unquestionably the most unique set of challenges players will need to progress through. In fact, compared to the other four (Longnose Gar, Muskie, Lake Sturgeon, and Northern Pike), the Chanel Catfish is the largest, based on its legendary variation. Missing Character Fishing Bug. It's recommended to start this challenge by Chapter 4 (or sooner) so that all the exotics involved in the Duchesses and Other Animals stranger mission will count towards this challenge too. You can cook it into a Flaky Fish meal or Mail them to Jeremy Gill for rewards. The Sockeye Salmon is one of the four medium-sized fish types you can catch while playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You're supposed to catch one on the mission which "unlocks" it. Kill Two Different Animal Species in the Same Dead Eye Use. Lagras Bait Shop Get all 3 Special Lures Hold off on catching Legendary fish until Survivalist Challenge 9 and 10. 11 Jules_QB2 • 5 yr. Herbalist 9 Challenge Guide. Annesburg is a mining town in Roanoke Ridge, New Hanover, which has been mining coal for nearly a century. There are 15 total different species. Ram’s Head is one of the many useful herbs that players can find and acquire in Red Dead Redemption 2. The Survivalist Challenges will test Arthur's ability to survive in the wild by catching fish, hunting animals, and more. – 1x Vanilla Flower – 1x Violet Snowdrop – 1x Bay Bolete, Ram’s Head, Parasol Mushroom or Chanterelle. If I didn’t confuse you there, then you’re in the intellectual minority these days. Rank 1: Skin 3 deer. Rank 5: Skin 3 black or grizzly bears. When You Can Do It: After the Chapter 3 mission “A Short Walk In A Pretty Town” and after you get the Dynamite and Poison Arrow Pamphlets. To anybody who is interested, there are 2 missing fish actually if you just do the legendary to fulfil that survivalist 10 list. You can complete these at any time, none of them are missable. . Reward: Survivalist Gun Belt Rank 2 [] Hand five animals in to camp or the trapper. I would really like to finish the survivalist challenge. Then I rode pretty much due West into the Bayou amd there was a canoe right next to the road, so I paddled that out into the middle of the big section of the Bayou, maybe took two minutes, caught a fish, and the challenge was done. I’m. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Herbalist Challenge Walkthrough Guide - Herbalist 9: Pick one of each species of herbRed Dead Redemption 2 Challenges Guide Playlis. Red Dead Redemption 2Survivalist challenges in Red Dead 2 are unquestionably the most unique set of challenges players will need to progress through. How to Kill Five Animals Using the Varmint Rifle For Survivalist Challenge 3 By Angie Harvey , Casey DeFreitas , Max Roberts , +1. RDR2 Bandit Challenges Guide. 00 Rank 10: Complete 5 train robberies without dying or being caught. 25 Stamina XP $5. Click expand for links and discussion:Click here for the full 100% completion strategy guide: outcome of organ transplantation is largely dictated by selection of a well-matched donor, which results in less chance of graft rejection. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Survivalist Challenge Walkthrough \ Guide - Survivalist 8: Craft a Homing Tomahawk, Improved Tomahawk, Volatile Dynamite, and Volatil. Legendary Largemouth Bass. hunting. Several mods that turn Red Dead Redemption 2 into a survival game:Basic Needs: Damage Overhaul: Dead Redemption 2 Torn Treasure Map Treasure Location. Once you’ve arrived you’ll need to take look around until you find a riverboat, but beware there are a few alligators lurking about. Players can craft Potent Miracle Tonic, Potent Snake Oil, and Special. From here you can easily select the Poison Arrow and start crafting as many as you want. daappiid. unlock this legendary hunt, you must first complete 9 Master Hunter challenges. Regular Weight - 4. The only remaining fish are all in the black water area. 50: Survivalist Challenge – Rank 1: Survivalist Holster: $19. A great place to do this is in the plains east of Horseshoe Overlook. Survivalist 9. So I started riding towards the nearest legendary fish and caught one, it weighed around 8 kgs if I remember correctly, so I checked the objectives section and saw that the bar was filled more than. No grizzly. This can be extremely tedious but luckil. Rockstar Games. How to get the New Austin herbs and complete Herbalist 9 as Arthur Morgan as early as Chapter 2 using Eden's buggy method. I've been at it for about 6 hours straight now. How to Catch a Fish in the Bayou From a Riverboat and While Standing on Railroad Tracks For Survivalist Challenge 5 By Angie Harvey , Casey DeFreitas , Max Roberts , +1. When You Can Do It: Chapter 4 mission "American Fathers - II"West Elizabeth. Video shows how to complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Sharpshooter Challenge 5 - how to Kill 6 animals without switching or reloading weaponRed Dead Redemption 2. Once you find an Opossum you're going to want to spook it. They’re organized in nine categories, each containing 10 Challenges. they'll curl up and just sit there. You can even rest at your campsite in between shots, you just can't miss or shoot anything else. - Catch a fish in the Bayou from a riverboat and while standing on train tracks. Pouring Forth Oil in Chapter 2. how to start surviva. Move to the high ground. Rank 4: Skin five boars and three armadillos. Evidently an arrow to the face does not kill a rabbit, which I'm calling bulls*** on it.